Newsletter #35


Software releases, news articles and other new stuff

Release v1.0.0 · vshn/k8up
#k8up, #release, #restic

This release is a complete rewrite of K8up from the Kooper framework to the Operator SDK.

K8up is a Kubernetes and OpenShift Backup Operator leveraging restic.

Finally! That one was long in the making, but it was definitively worth it. It stands on a much stabler foundation, allowing to iterate over it to improve stability (backup software needs to be stable, doesn't it?) and add many cool new features. Stay tuned for v1.1.0 which won't be too far away from now on.

Network Policy Editor
#cilium, #network, #firewall, #kubernetes

Implementing Network Policy is a critical part of building a secure Kubernetes-based platform, but the learning curve from simple examples to more complex real-world policies is steep.

This is very helpful. Moar such tools please!

Traefik Proxy 2.4 Adds Advanced mTLS, Kubernetes Service APIs & More
#traefik, #kubernetes

We are happy to announce the general availability of Traefik 2.4, the latest version of our cloud-native application proxy. This release adds many nice enhancements, such as Proxy Protocol support on TCP Services, advanced support for mTLS, initial support for the new Kubernetes Service APIs, and last but not least, more than 12 enhancements from our beloved community.

I heard rumors that K3s will also be upgrading Traefik to a 2.x release. A very cool Load Balancer.


Interesting articles and blog posts

WhatsApp and the domestication of users - Seirdy
#whatsapp, #foss, #freedom, #opinion

I have never used WhatsApp, and never will. Despite this, I still feel the need to write an article about WhatsApp since it’s the perfect case study to help understand a class of businesses models I call “user domestication”. The domestication of users is high on my list of problems plaguing the human race, and is worth a detailed explanation.

Thanks for this link Bastian. A very good read, not only about WhatsApp.

Visual guide to SSH tunnels
#ssh, #tunnel, #explanation

This page explains use cases and examples of SSH tunnels while visually presenting the traffic flows. For example, here's a reverse tunnel that allows only users from IP address access to port 80 on the SSH client through an SSH server.

Everytime I want to open an SSH tunnel I have to figure out which direction and which parameter is the right one for it. Lately I was looking more and more into Inlets which could be an interesting replacement for SSH tunnels with a much better UX.

The Online Conference Has Been Liberated - Conservancy Blog - Software Freedom Conservancy
#matrix, #event

This weekend, the largest international FOSS conference in the world, FOSDEM, attempted, and succeeded, to achieve what we all thought was not yet possible: They ran a massive online conference event with 100% FOSS

This gives me hope for a bright future of Matrix and Element. For me this looks like to most privacy friendly communication system nowadays. Ping me on

As the name suggest, this file should describe the high-level architecture of the project. Keep it short: every recurring contributor will have to read it. Additionally, the shorter it is, the less likely it will be invalidated by some future change. This is the main rule of thumb for ARCHITECTURE — specify only things which are unlikely to frequently change. Don’t try to keep it synchronized with code. Instead, revisit it a couple of times a year.

Yes, I'd love to see this file on more repos. Let's see if I can make such a file for K8up.

Chromium cleans up its act – and daily DNS root server queries drop by 60 billion
#chrome, #browser, #dns

Before the software release, the root server system saw peaks of ~143 billion queries per day. Traffic volumes have since decreased to ~84 billion queries a day. This represents more than a 41 per cent reduction of total query volume.

The power of the big ones always gives me a bad feeling. One browser has such an impact on the Internet - not good.

Disqus, the dark commenting system
#discussion, #privacy

Disqus is a free commenting system and a great example of "if you're not paying for it, you become the product". Unfortunately, in Disqus' case, your website visitors become the product too. Today, I'm going to analyze what happens when you embed Disqus on your website.

Y U USE DISQUS in the first place. There are many good alternatives, like Isso, which is was also used in my blog.


Open Source tools newly discovered

conwnet/github1s: One second to read GitHub code with VS Code.
#vscode, #github, #browser

drftctl - Take control of infrastructure drift
#terraform, #automation

Infrastructure as code is awesome, but there are so many moving parts: codebase, *.tfstate , actual cloud resources. Things tend to drift.

GitHub - vorteil/vorteil: turn your applications and containers into micro virtual machines
#vm, #container, #microvm, #firecracker

Vorteil is an operating system for running cloud applications on micro virtual machines. It takes only the files you need and runs them on a custom Linux kernel without any unnecessary background services: there's no ssh, no shell, and no login; just a toml file that Vorteil's init process (vinitd) uses to configure the system and launch your apps.

GitHub - grafana/tempo: Grafana Tempo is a high volume, minimal dependency distributed tracing backend.
#grafana, #tracing, #tempo

Grafana Tempo is an open source, easy-to-use and high-scale distributed tracing backend. Tempo is cost-efficient, requiring only object storage to operate, and is deeply integrated with Grafana, Prometheus, and Loki. Tempo can be used with any of the open source tracing protocols, including Jaeger, Zipkin, and OpenTelemetry. It supports key/value lookup only and is designed to work in concert with logs and metrics (exemplars) for discovery.

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