Newsletter #13


Interesting articles and blog posts

A Practical Guide to (Correctly) Troubleshooting with Traceroute
#network, #troubleshooting, #slides, #tracing

A Practical Guide to (Correctly) Troubleshooting with Traceroute

While I used to work in networking for a few years, I never can learn enough. This is a great slide deck, teaching the important details how Traceroute works. Worth a read for every SysAdmin.

Op-Ed: Kubernetes May Be Google’s Last Great Open Project – The New Stack
#kubernetes, #opensource, #trademark, #story

Google brought us Kubernetes. But now we see a different side to the organization that made such a smart move when it turned over Kubernetes in 2015 and led the formation of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

Interesting read about the history behind Kubernetes and the latest move of Google not to donate Istio to CNCF.

Kubernetes operators made easy with shell-operator: project status & news | by Flant staff
#kubernetes, #operator, #shell

Operators, operators everywhere. Now also with shell scripts. If you ever happened to have a detailed look at OpenShift 4, don't be surprised, Operators everywhere.

I Grew From Zero to $1,000 MRR in 94 Days: Here’s How I Did It - Baremetrics
#analytics, #startup

Very cool read about starting a service as a side project and grow it.


Open Source tools newly discovered

GitHub - MarkForged/GOMP: GOMP (Git cOMPare) is a tool for comparing branches.
#git, #comparison

GOMP is a Git-based tool for comparing branches, designed to work with a rebase-oriented Git workflow. Markforged uses GOMP as both a daily tool for handling commits and merges and as a powerful way to visualize complex histories while preparing releases.

GitHub - kiosk-sh/kiosk: kiosk 🏢 Multi-Tenancy Extension For Kubernetes - Secure Cluster Sharing & Self-Service Namespace Provisioning
#kubernetes, #multitenancy

Kubernetes is designed as a single-tenant platform, which makes it hard for cluster admins to host multiple tenants in a single Kubernetes cluster. However, sharing a cluster has many advantages, e.g. more efficient resource utilization, less admin/configuration effort or easier sharing of cluster-internal resources among different tenants.

gitea/tea: A command line tool to interact with Gitea servers - tea - Gitea: Git with a cup of tea
#gitea, #cli

Tea is a command line tool for interacting on one or more Gitea instances. It uses and interacts with the Gitea API.

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