Ankündigung von Nomindo: Eine Plattform zum Entdecken, Planen und Teilen von Reisen, fokussiert auf die Anforderungen von Menschen, welche mit dem Camper die Welt bereisen.
Ever since the announcement of the soft-fork of Gitea and the reasoning behind it, I wanted to move to Forgejo. Finally, I made it happen. In this article, I document my findings. Your mileage may vary, it's not a copy/paste how-to.
In this article, you'll learn more about my current authoritative DNS setup with deSEC as hosting provider, DNSControl for automating the configuration and Gitea Action as the GitOps automation glue. As a bonus, it shows the integration with Kubernetes Cert-Manager.
For a long time, I wanted to have a well-integrated Open-Source CI/CI Pipeline solution for my personal Gitea code hosting. There are many options out there (Drone, Woodpecker, Jenkins, Concourse, Screwdriver, and a lot more), but none of them made my day.
Ever since Gitea Actions were announced, I
Microblog über unsere Camperferien im Sommer 2024.
27.7. Es geht los... Erster Halt: Durlach in Karlsruhe.
28.7. Nächster Fahrtag in Richtung Norden. Übernachtung in Guxhaven, nähe Kassel. Auf der Autobahn hat es immer mal wieder Stau wegen Baustellen, daher nicht sonderlich schnelles vorwärtskommen.
29.7. Und nochmals
Ankündigung von Nomindo: Eine Plattform zum Entdecken, Planen und Teilen von Reisen, fokussiert auf die Anforderungen von Menschen, welche mit dem Camper die Welt bereisen.
Ever since the announcement of the soft-fork of Gitea and the reasoning behind it, I wanted to move to Forgejo. Finally, I made it happen. In this article, I document my findings. Your mileage may vary, it's not a copy/paste how-to.
In this article, you'll learn more about my current authoritative DNS setup with deSEC as hosting provider, DNSControl for automating the configuration and Gitea Action as the GitOps automation glue. As a bonus, it shows the integration with Kubernetes Cert-Manager.
For a long time, I wanted to have a well-integrated Open-Source CI/CI Pipeline solution for my personal Gitea code hosting. There are many options out there (Drone, Woodpecker, Jenkins, Concourse, Screwdriver, and a lot more), but none of them made my day.
Ever since Gitea Actions were announced, I
Microblog über unsere Camperferien 2023.
23.4. Es geht los... Via Gotthardtunnel, mit 1h Stau, bis nach Melano, Camping Paradiso direkt am Luganersee.
Italien und San Marino
24.4. Von Melano bis nach San Marino "Centro Vacanze San Marino", eine lange Fahrt. Das schlimmste sind die überholenden
19 min readPublic
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